
Dr. Hetal Patel

Hetal Patel, M.D., M.S.H.S.’s efforts have focused in one form or another on improving the health and well-being of our community. His goal is to optimize individual and collective vitality.  After attending medical school at St. Louis University School of Medicine, Dr. Patel began his career practicing conventional disease management in Internal and Aviation Medicine as an Officer with the United States Navy. After that, he became a board-certified practicing physician in Emergency Medicine. In parallel, Dr. Patel completed his 1,200-hour coursework, as well as hands-on clinical experience towards his Masters in Integrative Medicine and fellowship eligibility from The George Washington University.  All in all, Dr. Patel has cared for over 50,000 patients and dedicated the last 15 years to refining his practice of both acute and chronic care in both the conventional and integrative medicine spaces.  

Working in the high-stress environment of Emergency Medicine allowed little time for personal reflection.  These pressures led him to shift focus towards mindfulness and self-awareness, and ultimately, his decision to further his studies in Integrative Medicine – an approach to medicine that blends the best of what thousands of years of traditional medicine has developed, combining it with useful modern discoveries and cutting-edge technology known as Western Medicine.  Dr. Patel began to understand the value of a purposeful, well-balanced, and harmonious life. He saw the immediate benefit of his learnings in his own life and was eager to share with those around him. In doing so, he saw improved mental and physical health in those that he helped. In addition, he has used his Integrative Medicine approach to optimize physical performance, including elite athletes.  For example, a client in his fifties competed and placed in a national bodybuilding competition after working with Dr. Patel. In applying principles of Integrative Medicine such as nutrition, movement, self-reflection, sleep, as well as biochemical rebalancing with natural and prescription means, he has helped many people improve their vitality, quality of life, predicted longevity, chronic pain, brain function, and disease states.

Health & Wellness

Weight Management

Hormone Therapy

Diabetes & Endocrinology

Integrative Medicine Clinic in San Diego

AIM integrative medicine clinic in San Diego is an integrative health centre that focuses on personalized and holistic care.
While conventional medicine uses tools to diagnose and manage dis-ease, often to truly prevent or even heal disease, a more whole-systems, multi-faceted, and global approach can be safer and lead to more successful outcomes.  Conventional practices are useful but can often fall short because of unwanted side effects or incomplete healing.  Identifying the “root” cause is key in the deep-dive approach to Integrative Medicine, thus improving overall wellness.  

Despite the demands of our modern and demanding times, with some effort, we can and should optimize our health.   A major roadblock to overall well-being is figuring out what is best for you. There is so much information out there! Dr. Patel’s in-depth consultation is where he expands discussions to include applicable chemical and biologic toxins, genetics, epigenetics, available diagnostics, and the mind-body-spirit connection.  This is the starting point for answering the question – what is best for YOU?

Dr. Patel has dedicated himself to helping his patients optimize their well-being by balancing personalized Integrative Medicine with conventional care.  Dr. Patel invites you to transform your healthcare journey to restore, maintain, and maximize your well-being, vitality, and quality of life.

Ready To Transform Your Healthcare Experience?

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Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions, concerns, or are ready to get started.  We look forward to getting back to you promptly