Integrative Medicine is generally defined as an all-encompassing form of healing-oriented medicine that takes into account the totality of an individual. By taking into account one’s entire self including one’s mind, body, and spirit, practitioners of integrative medicine can provide alternative pathways to help patients reach optimal health. While western medicine can be beneficial in treating symptoms, the root cause of an ailment may not be addressed to the fullest extent. This is where we shine. Since our practitioner focuses on addressing these root causes of ailments, we can begin to provide you with the intuitive, personalized treatments to help you feel better every day. Book a appoiment today.
Health and Wellness
Prevent disease and improve your cellular function? We will evaluate your lifestyle to identify the major factors that may be impeding you from feeling your best.
Weight Management
Struggling to maintain a healthy weight? The key to weight management is to identify the underlying factors which may be impeding your weight loss efforts. We can evaluate these obstacles and achieve your healthy weight and strength back.
Hormone Therapy
Were your hormones off years ago, have they recently changed, or are you simply looking at preemptive measures to prevent them from deteriorating? We will assess them and help you optimize your hormones to help you feel better every day.
What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), needs explanation.
As we manage stress, age, or expose ourselves to life, our body uses healthy hormones. and creates unhealthy hormones. As opposed to synthetic hormones. Bio-identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) provides a safer alternative to truly feeling younger and achieving true health. We are highly trained and skilled in balancing hormones safely and effectively using BHRT.
Diabetes & Endocrinology
Is it hard to manage your glucose or are you having energy shifts throughout the day that limit your function and well-being? We can look at your whole system to get to the bottom of this and help support more energy and glucose control.
Peak Performance
Are you plateauing or regressing in your physical performance? We will evaluate and guide you to achieve the next step and more.
Gut Health
Do you have chronic insidious gut symptoms leading to lower quality of life? We will evaluate your intestinal health and restore balance to help you get to feeling your best.
Cognitive Health
Your brain health and overall cognitive function are crucial to your well-being quality of life. Are you thinking slower or feeling cloudy in your thought processes? Let us evaluate common and novel causes and improve your cognitive function in all aspects of your life.
Cardiovascular Disease
Do you suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary disease, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythm, stroke, or other conditions that are impacting the quality of your life? We can provide a deeper layer to our care and take a very personalized approach to your concerns, adding sophisticated diagnostics as needed, and evaluate your conventional and complementary therapies to optimize your function and quality of life while evaluating for the root issues.
Neurological Disorders
Do you suffer from chronic headaches, chronic neuromuscular, or memory loss issues, Parkinson’s, MS, or peripheral neuropathy? Conventional therapies have a useful role but maybe you are questioning the efficacy or side effects of conventional therapies? If so, please let us help you on this path to improving your cognitive and neurologic function beyond what is currently being done for you.
Allergy and Autoimmunity
Are you having trouble with chronic fatigue, joint pain, fibromyalgia, asthma, dermatitis, chronic skin conditions, or allergies/sensitivities that just aren’t controlled to your satisfaction? Are you told or feel like there is nothing else that can be done conventionally or are you looking for more options? We can help you navigate the root issues of the complex conditions to help empower you to take back your health and life.
Toxin Detoxification
Are you looking for routine detox to maintain longevity? Or have you been suffering from unsolved health concerns? Have you been told “it’s all in your head” or “that is not a real medical condition,” or that “all your labs are normal?” Have you been told or are thinking some of your health concerns may root in environmental, infectious, or another chronic process? Please make sure you have a trained provider to investigate and guide you through this process of identification and detoxification to help you take back your quality of life.
Chronic Lung Disease
Does your immune system seem imbalanced leading you to frequent infections or breathing difficulty? Let us help you get back your breath in a healthy way.
Our Process
1. Initial complimentary call/tele-visit consultation
You’ll tell your story and be heard. You’ll determine whether the AIM program is right for you or not.
2. In-office or tele-visit with a right plan offering.
We take a deep-dive into your health history. We begin peeling back the layers of the onion to get to the core or root causes and solutions. We then can find the right program for your needs.
3. You’re on your way to a healthy life
We walk this journey of building vitality and health together, step-by-step through our follow-up consultations and effective therapies.
Get Started
Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions, concerns, or are ready to get started. We look forward to getting back to you promptly.